Thursday, August 21, 2014

Verizon’s FiOS Customers to Receive Upload Speeds That Match Their Current Download

You may have seen the ads as of late regarding Verizon Rewards program. If you were distracted by the guy being taken away by birds in the commercial, Verizon’s message was that they will match your download speeds with your upload speeds. Now, for anyone trying to run a small business or an avid gamer – this is huge.
Maybe you didn’t know it, but yes, your internet connection has different speeds for uploads and downloads. Without getting too much into network architecture and how data transfer actually works, just know that ISP companies set the default setting to download faster than upload, as most people have more of a need to download information. If you are running a VPN Server or perhaps sharing a video with friends – you may notice that your computer’s speed isn’t nearly as impressive as when you download something or stream a movie.
Now, allow me to preface this by stating that this free upgrade seems totally worth it, so far. As commonplace with Verizon, I’m waiting for a surprise technicality on my next bill. However, if you do go through the two second steps to match your upload speeds to your download speeds, don’t be too surprised when you see something like this:

To my surprise, I’m paying for 15MBPS, yet I’m receiving over 24MBPS. Which is pretty cool, but it’s not what Verizon’s Rewards program is selling. They are selling to match what you are paying for. Probably should have mentioned that in your ads, Verizon.
Then again, one really can’t complain – I’m getting more than I’m paying for plus the added bonus of increased upload speeds. All in all, a pretty good deal.

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