Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New Experimental Recovery - Part 3

It worked. I got everything off of the drive! Shipping out to the client on a new external hard drive now....

After that, I rescued yet another drive. I find this far more post worthy than when I clean up a virus infected computer. That one was 40GB of family photos saved from digital oblivion.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

New Experimental Recovery - Part 2

So I have successfully replaced the damaged chips on this Hard Drive's motherboard. The drive now reads, but the data is heavily damaged....
I wrote a quick batch script to copy each file over one by one via command prompt to my file server....This is a stressful process to watch as i listen to the drive heads struggle to read the platters.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Windows 10 for Businesses?

So here's something interesting;
I've been reading a few articles that predict  that half of all organizations will have commenced their Windows 10 roll out by January next year.
"I believe that CIOs will begin to upgrade to Windows 10 this year if their software vendors support it," said Matt Mielke, director of IT at Innovations Federal Credit Union.
John Gracyalny, VP of IT at SafeAmerica Credit Union says "We have board approval for workstation memory upgrades and for moving to Windows 10 and Office 2016 this year. But it's not so much a result of what Microsoft has done as it is that our various technology vendors now support it."
Dirk De Busser, IT manager at Fashion Club 70, claims that he has been rolling out Windows 10 Enterprise since October last year on new computers.
I found this particularly interesting as I have actually gained new clients as a result of Windows 10 and the problems users encountered. That's not to say that the OS is a problem - but companies usually take the "Let's Wait and See" approach when it comes to upgrading OS's. Heck, I know companies who are still on XP and choose to pay the various fines that come with running the obsolete OS. Windows 7 simply wasn't compatible with their back-end systems.

From what I have seen at the front lines, it seems that the dust is only just now settling with Windows 10 after several large updates.

Regardless, I'm happy with Windows 10 and am actually using it on my primary system. I suppose these articles and the aforementioned quotes shows that Windows 10 is more than ready. But I'm still getting emails along the lines of "Hey Christopher, I just installed Windows 10 to get rid of the Microsoft nag - now how do I go back to 7?"

New Experimental Recovery

I received a hard drive from a new client with physical damage to the PCB board.
I really feel this odd personal defeat when I cant recover data, so with the client's approval - I'm trying a new method of recovery. This will involve replacing the PCB board and transferring the BIOS chip over from the old board to the new one.
Finding the correct board is challenging and it looks like I will have to order it all the way from Australia. Shipping is going to take time and then I'm going to have to de-solder that chip and solder it to the new board.

Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Recovered Another Hard Drive!

Just recovered all of the data off a new client's hard drive.
I'm not sure which is my favorite part - that another shop said it couldn't be done, or that I was able to get all of her family photos back. The client's expression when I recover all of their precious photos is why I do what I do!

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