Friday, June 30, 2017

Hard Drive Recovery, Click of Death

So, remember that time your hard drive was making noises and wouldnt work and instead of bringing it to a pro, you thought you would try a few things yourself? This is the result.
Whenever you hear odd noises coming from the drive, it more than likely means the heads are stuck and/or grinding against the platters (where all your data is stored).

This drive was used as it began to fail. When it finally failed, the user continued to try to plug it in and get it started in different ways. Unwilling to spend the money for recovery, they opted to dispose of the drive so I decided to open it up and see how bad it was. 

Aside from the obvious physical damage to the platters seen in the picture, the drive was also filled with black dust - Grinded down platter powder. This drive cannot be recovered. 

The next time your drive makes noises or begins to act strangely - turn it off and call a pro.
You can check out my latest reviews HERE!